About Me

I'm a software engineer living in Austin, TX. After spending the first 10 years of my career at IBM, I've been able to focus most of my professional work on open source projects related to Linux.

I'm known on the internet at places like Launchpad, Github and IRC as "doanac". I have my full resume here.


Overall I'm pretty passionate about Linux and have been lucky enough to have worked on embedded Linux projects since 2006. Starting in 2011 with my job Canonical and Linaro, I've worked almost exclusively on open source projects.

Some of my more notable contributions include:


Can he work with others? - My REST API work with Patchwork is a good example of starting with a simple idea and seeing it through to completion. My aktualizr-lite project is also a good example of getting another team to accept potentially controversial changes.

Can he articulate what he does? - My blog series on secure over the air updates is an example.

Can he really code? - The JobServ code base is should be proof.

What about C++? - I did a bunch pre C++11, so I consider myself a bit rusty. However, I've been making some drive-by contributions to aktualizr recently that show a bit of my work.

What about Golang? - I'd really like to start doing more with Golang. Here's an early prototype of what became aktualizr-lite.

Kubernetes? - Most is closed-source, but here are some contributions to OTA Community Edition.

Shell Scripts? - That's a trick question because nobody would ever brag on shell scripts, right? Still - I once made changes to a 10,000 line single file installer written in Korn. I fear no code base.